Querido “Success”. ¡Se convirtieron en nuestros magos y nos hicieron creer que los milagros suceden en la vida! Todo fue hecho de manera exacta y profesional. En un mes, nuestro hijo ya cumplirá un año. Ahorasomosfamilia, somos padres ... ¡Muchísimas gracias pornuestrafelicidad! Antonio y García (Barcelona)
Because of your Success team, we were able to fulfil a wish to have a family. From the time that we first came in contact with your coordinator, we were sure that we wanted to do surrogacy program with you. Viktoriya took her time with us and and explained all of the the steps that we would need to take and gave us a feeling of trust towards your team. Fortunately happiness and luck were on our side! Our surrogate mother Angela became pregnant. Angela lived with us after 26 weeks of pregnancy and we took care of her. Our lives were only focused on becoming a family. Your staff and doctors, at least in Cyprus, are excellent. They also stay in touch with the IPs and make sure that things are okay. It meant a lot to us. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making it possible to have Cynthia beautiful bouncing baby as a part of our lives. Karen, Netherlands
Michael & Amelia (Switzerland) We have a wonderful experience with the Center "Success". From our first meeting, the director provided us with all the necessary information, reassured us on all issues of concern to us. Every call or letter to the clinic's e-mail had a response! We felt confident at every step. The staff are nice and polite. They foresaw not only every detail of the process, but also the emotional complexity of every decision. As the result, everything went very smoothly, and we had only positive impressions!
Nous remercions tout le personnel du centre de nous avoir donné le sens de vie. Ayant fait un parcours long et pas très facile vers notre rêve, on se concentre, à un moment donné, sur les gens avec lesquels on se sent le plus à l'aise. Les gens comme ça , ce sont vous, vous êtes devenus de telles personnes pour nous ! Nous étions frappés par votre professionnalisme incroyable, votre attitude chaleureuse, votre attention, votre empressement de faire tout votre possible. Vous avez opéré d'une manière impeccable du début jusqu'à la fin, vous nous avez aidés à éviter un stress supplémentaire, vous nous avez permis, à moi et à mon partenaire, de nous concentrer sur ce qui comptait vraiment pour nous - nous préparer à devenir parents! Armand y Paul Duroy (France)